DigiEduHack 2024

Exciting news: We are back! Welcome to our community of digital education and innovation enthusiasts!

Want to become a participant?

Whether you're up for the challenge, we have something for you.


Whether you're a tech whiz, a creative genius, a curious learner, or more broadly... anybody interested in digital education, you're invited to participate this global movement of digital education enthusiasts.


Expand and level up your skills, make connections with like-minded people, develop innovative solutions and have fun while contributing to make a positive impact in digital education


Participate in the 24-hour hackathon of your choice, come up with the best solution and become a finalist to the Global Awards. If you become a winner, great prizes await you!


Join forces with a pre-existing team or go solo – the choice is yours. Click on the “Register” button and up you are for your next adventure towards the future of digital education!


Whether you prefer to join us online or in-person, there's a challenge waiting just for you. Check the specific conditions for the hackathon you want to join.


Anytime between the 6th and the 13th of November 2023

Need more information?
Check the complete guide below
Join the digital education revolution today!
Become a participant




Example question 1
Example question 2
Example question 3

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